Who are We?

Temple of Diana, Inc is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit federally-recognized Dianic temple. We are a religious and educational organization that provides services and education to nurture the spiritual needs of women-born women and girls though healing, empowerment, and celebration.

We celebrate and honor the life cycles of women-born women and girls; we teach an Earth-based, female-centered Dianic Wiccan Tradition; we encourage women to express and practice their Goddess-centered spirituality in personal and public ritual; we provide training in leadership skills for clergy.

We vision a world that is free from patriarchy, and we foster that reality by challenging bias, prejudice, and power-over dynamics within ourselves and our communities.

The Temple Women link describes our organization and offers Priestess referrals; the Groves link has information about our regional subgroups; FAQ answers questions, and includes lists of books and websites; and Join Us outlines how to apply for Temple membership.

Our Definition of Womanhood

by Ruth Barrett

A woman is a person who is a biological female and identifies and lives as female. Being a woman is to be free to be herself, and express herself as a full human being. This means living her life free from the internal or external limitations of binary gender stereotypes dictated by the dominant culture.

Women's Mysteries are at the center of Dianic practice. By "Mysteries" we mean the experiences of the female body from birth, girlhood, into womanhood, and elderhood. These Mysteries include our uterine blood mysteries  (menstruation, birthing, menopause), female sexuality and spirituality, and all the ways that our female bodies inform our diverse life experiences. Part of our work as a feminist spiritual tradition is to keep conscious of, and heal from the insidious ways that misogyny affects our lives. This includes our self-perception through the views of the dominant culture, religion, and cultural inheritance. The commonality girls and women share based on our biological sex transcends other differences in race, ability, ethnicity, and class. For us, the exploration and celebration of Women's Mysteries is an embodied experience that defies words, and can only be experienced by female individuals. Dianic tradition has centered on the embodied female mysteries for over 40 years. We affirm our ability to be whole-unto-ourselves and as free as the goddess Artemis. We affirm our right to gather as female individuals within our female-only circles to celebrate our rites.

We support male individuals in honoring their unique Mysteries of the male body from birth, boyhood, into manhood, and elderhood.

We encourage trans individuals to create their own rites of passage that address their significant life cycle events from birth into elderhood.

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The Temple of Diana, Inc. is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
© Copyright 2015 - 2024 Temple of Diana, Inc. All rights reserved.