The Spiral Door Women's Mystery School of Magick and Ritual Arts

When women share a cosmology, common skills, language, and consistent magical practice, they are able to create ecstatic, transformative ritual that is infinitely powerful. This program is specifically designed to train women on the priestess path of Dianic Feminist Witchcraft. Dianic women, and Dianic Priestesses who are seeking deeper knowledge, inspiration, and the unique skill sets offered by this program, are especially encouraged to participate. The Spiral Door curriculum includes advanced magical practices, shamanic skills, the crafting and use of magical tools, in-depth ritual creation and facilitation instruction, and other related topics within the context of a matrifocal partnership model of women sharing power.

The Program

Learning Spirals comprise the yearly curriculum of our Mystery School. All the topics we cover are not necessarily included in this description. All students will receive the same educational foundation, magical and ritual skill sets. Each learning Spiral is taught in a multi-sensory experiential environment. A foundational piece of the program is teaching students how to identify, understand, and use their personal perceptual learning pattern. Having this personal information about the workings of one's own mind allows for the conscious ability to change from one state of consciousness to another. Throughout the program this information is expanded upon to enable students to work more effectively and deeper with others of different learning patterns in magick, ritual, and daily life. A woman does not need to be on the priestess path to embark on this training. Well into the program, women have the opportunity, if they wish, to choose a specialization defined by their own interests and calling. Through the foundation of skills taught, it is our intention that each woman be fully empowered to answer Her call.

You are invited to apply if you are:

  • A woman who has completed the prerequisite class Feminist Witchcraft in the Dianic Tradition.
  • A woman who wishes to learn how to work in magical partnership with other women, provide energetic support, and acquire magical skills for use in daily life and within the ritual circle
  • A woman seeking to deepen her experience of Dianic Tradition and spiritual service
  • A woman interested in or already on the priestess path
  • Dianic Wiccan Clergy (Priestess) seeking continuing education

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